Thursday, October 26, 2017

Chapter 7: Dogman Gets New Threads

     "Nice duds Bub" greets Karma as I flap down to her campsite in bell-bottom jeans, a tie-dye t-shirt, and leather sandals.

"Good morning to you too" I quip, hoping my blush is hidden behind a smile and open arms in the midday sun. "We're going for a ride."

"Yes we are" she agrees, looking up into my eyes as she returns the hug. "But where we're going might need a more official looking presence."

"It's my day off" I explain, "but the ranger get up is in the Jeep."


     My uniform was in the Jeep because I had just come from a rare shopping excursion over in the Castro.

"Hey handsome" cooed a guy outside a bar as I strolled down Market Street, "ready for a Moscow Mule at the Missouri Mule?"

My heart was racing as I shook my head no and stepped down into the street to steer clear of him.

"Organic mescaline?" offered a dreadlocked guy at the next corner as I scurried past with a hand over my wallet.

     Finally I came to a shop with wool tapestries hanging in the window. A rack out front was hung with colorful t-shirts and one inside had pants of all sizes and fabrics. I grabbed the first large shirt I came to and pulled out a pair of old blue jeans with flowered triangles sewn into the bottom seams.

"Sandals?" asked a tall woman behind the counter, her dark hair swaying to her waist as she reached into a bin for a pair of thongs.

I muttered a yes, plopped down a fifty dollar bill, and hustled back to the Jeep with an armful of new clothes, a red face, and a growing smile.


     "Perfect" Karma continues, "we'll need that Park Service vehicle too."

"What are you plotting?" I ask, my curiosity growing in equal measure to my trepidation.

"You'll see" she replies as she heads up the hill. "Now give me those keys and change back into your uniform as I drive us over to Oakland."

     I did as I was told, enjoying the view as she maneuvered us over first the Golden Gate and then the Bay Bridge.

     "Just come with me and act official" she commands as she pops on the flashers and we climb out of the Jeep at the main entrance to Oaklawn Naval Hospital .

"Wait a second sister" I stall, "should I bring my revolver?"

"Your badge will do the trick" she replies walking toward the door, "but grab those threads you just took off."

     I match Karma's stride past a large black man in an MP uniform and down the main hallway to the in-patient wing, her determined look hopefully hiding my growing anxiety. Is it worth losing my job and park service career over a 17-year-old high school dropout who probably likes her old boyfriend better than me anyway? But I've already taken the leap to help her to find what she needs, damn that old bachelor ranger.
     "Mr. Reed, we're your transport to rehabilitation" she calls out as we arrive at the foot of a bearded guy's bed. "Here are your civilian clothes."

"Yes ma'am" he replies, flashing a quick glance at my wide eyes as he strips off the hospital gown and pulls my tie-dye over his head.

Karma and I take an arm as he nearly falls over shimmying to get my bell-bottoms over thick thighs. Our recessional proceeds without a hitch unless you count the cheers from several of the bedbound seamen, a nod from a nurse leaning over to change bandages on an amputee, and a wink from the MP holding open the door.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Chapter 6: Karma Has a Tricky Dream

     "Oh Yemaya" I pray into the blackness of the bay, folding my legs into the lotus position as Dogman crunches up the bluff.

A slow whoosh of waves echoes up from the darkness below.

"May your nurturing waters replenish the hearts of wounded men" I continue, pausing for the answering sigh of the tide.

"So that they might help make this earth a safe space for peace, love, and..."


     I was splashing with junior high friends in the Codrington Park pool when the two lifeguards raised the brims of their red baseball hats to reveal the gaping grins of Ed Sullivan and Richard Nixon.

"Badge check" called Sullivan as Nixon blew his whistle. "Everybody out!"

"Line up here" commanded Nixon as Sullivan blew his, "and pull down your swimsuits!"

I was shivering in line and frantically looking for a place to hide...


     "Crawl in before you freeze" someone whispers jostling my foot and pointing to the canvas tent set up behind me.

"Dogman, thank you for answering Yemaya's call" I whisper, already feeling warmer as I zip up the sleeping bag he had opened for me.

"Goodnight sweetie" he soothes, tossing in a newspaper before pulling the tent closed and tiptoeing away.

The headline glows as the moon breaks through the fog: THE YIPPIES ARE GOING TO CHICAGO.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Chapter 5: Dogman Gets Run Over By Karma

     "Any interesting bugs drawn to that light, Dave?" asks my park ranger supervisor when he finds me pacing on the porch of our quarters.

"Just one big black bug bleeding black blood" I quip, trying unsuccessfully to hide my agitation.

"A stress-free life is one of the few perks of this job" observes the balding middle-aged man who's made a life of it. "What's eating you?"

"Just a little gas" I lie before thinking better of it. "This woman I like already has a boyfriend."

"Shew-we" he whistles offering me a pinch of chewing tobacco. "All that stuff can't touch you out here in the wild."

"She's camping alone down at cliffside" I mumble while stuffing the black flecks behind my lower lip.

"Uh-oh, better nip that jealousy in the bud, Bud."


     It had ended badly with the last girl I fell for back at San Fran State. The Air Force ROTC ball was coming up, and it was the major spring formal on campus. It included a Friday night pig roast and dance, a Saturday costume party in vintage military uniforms and gowns, a Saturday night live band, and Sunday brunch with a slide show from the previous days' festivities. I'd been eyeing this interesting freshmen basketball player with dark spikes and a perpetual mischievous grin. I caught up with her walking arm-in-arm with another player after their game. She laughed and placed her palm on my chest as she said yes.

     "Is Athena ready?" I asked the petite girl in a State sweatshirt who peeked from the dorm door when I arrived to go to the Friday night festivities.

"She asked me to tell you there was an emergency" she answered, looking both scared and apologetic.

"What? I can't go to the roast without a date."

"I'm so sorry" she replied swinging open the door. "Want to sit down?"

"I've got to find someone else" I replied, turning to leave before calling back "what happened to her?"

"She told me not to tell anyone" she began, stepping back and curling into a corner of her bed. "But you deserve an explanation."

"Thanks" I softened, walking back into the dorm room and sitting on the edge of her bed. "I really like her and was hoping to get to know her better this weekend."

"It's this new group called Third World Liberation Front" she whispered. "They're meeting about that story in today's Gator calling for elimination of black studies."

"Well, I see where I stand in the priorities of Greek goddesses. What are you doing tonight?"

"Let me throw on a dress" she exclaimed with the first smile I'd seen from her and a beautiful one at that.

     She was cute and energetic and fun. We had a good time dancing, but all the while I was looking over her shoulder to no avail.


     "Jealousy, schmealousy" I tell him, brushing off his observation before again rethinking my strategy. "What's a guy to do?"

"Help her to find what she needs" the old ranger replies. "But what's an old bachelor know?"

"There's no way in hell I'm setting myself up for rejection again."


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Chapter 4: Karma Goes AWOL

      "Hey there stranger" calls Dogman down into the looming darkness of my campsite. "Where've you been all day?"

"It's not easy to get from the Headlands to Oakland" I call back. "I walked the Golden Gate in the chilly morning fog, but catching a ride over the Bay Bridge took forever."

"I would've taken you" he blurts, setting down a long canvas bag and a lantern that enclosed us in a circle of light. "Why Oakland?"

"Why not?" is all I could initially offer into the growing chirrup of crickets.


     "What a sight for sore eyes" exclaimed my high school friend from his bed at Oak Lawn Naval Hospital as I leaned over to give him a hug. "How'd you find me here?"

"Blaine, I talked to Mickie" I explained referring to our girlfriend back in New Jersey. "She's scared shitless about you. Why don't you call?"

"Just getting my head back" he stammered shaking his head from side to side as I snuggled up next to him.

"Why are you here?" I asked, doing my best to not scrunch up my nose to the stench of sweat and pee.

"Good question after the hell hole over there."

"No, I mean what brought you to the hospital."

"It was a C-130 I believe."

"Asshole. Now tell me what happened" I demanded, trying to ignore the stares from surrounding cots.

"Lost my legs again. They say it happened after a guy's rifle stock hit behind my ear."

"You don't remember?"

"Last I knew we were heading toward a little Vietcong village when me met up with Americal Division. This crazy lieutenant was yelling at us to move out and do as we were told."

"What do the doctor's say?"

"Something about Lou Gehrig."

"The chubby little guy from Abbot and Costello?"

"Nah, some old baseball player with a brain problem that made him quit early. How're things here?"

"The summer of love is definitely done. Bobby Kennedy was killed last week and religious fanatics have invaded the Haight."

"That's two strikes against San Francisco."

"One more and you're out" winced a guy from the bed next to us, his casted leg hanging from a ceiling hook.

"Are you going to stay?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, at least blacks are organizing to stand up to the man."

"Right on" grinned an African American man holding up a fist from two beds over.

"We're about follow their lead on Vietnam" I continue.

"I just need to get out of this hell hole" Blaine groans.

"I can help with that" I grinned, putting his arms around my shoulders and standing back so he was seated on the side of the bed.

"Not yet sweetie, I need to get some strength back."


     "That's a hard road to hoe for a joy ride" Dogman laughs nervously as a big black bird swoops along the bluff.

"Okay, I'll tell you" I begin, relieved to not be hiding something. "I saw a guy I knew from high school at the naval hospital."

"Aren't you still in high school?"

"I would be if I went back" I reply, pulling out my little pipe and baggie and loading the bowl.

"Cut the shit Karma, you're screwing up your life out here."

"There are bigger things than my little life in Bound Brook, New Jersey" I sigh with a stream of smoke, offering him the bowl.

"Not when you're sleeping on the ground and eating grass" he huffs, grabbing the tent and stomping off up the rocky cliff.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Chapter 3: Dogman Stops For Trees

     "Karma, let's get out of here" I whisper after Dr. Grant takes off to catch Huey Newton. "Some of these black dudes are staring at me."

"It's just that uniform" she replies. "Here, put this dandelion behind your ear and they'll know you're on our side."

"My car's around the corner, want to go see a big tree?"

"The band's starting soon."

"It's a really big tree and it's ancient to boot."

"Well, it's not going to be Hendrix anyway."


    There were really two reasons I was desperate to get out of the Panther rally. When I graduated from GW High School over at Land's End five years ago, I had used my pharmacy delivery boy money to buy myself a good watch. That Rolex may have been good to a depth of five hundred meters but it wouldn't survive San Francisco public transportation.
    When I was boarding the trolley home one night the only seat left was on the back bench occupied by four stone-faced young black dudes. I tried to ignore a fear creeping up inside and plopped down between them.

"Hey man, you got the time?" the guy to my right asked.

"Let's see" I answered pushing up my left sleeve. "It's 5:45."

"Nice watch" he continued with a smile. "Mind if I take a look?"

As I held my arm up for him to see the guy to my left grabbed my wrist. I jumped up and yanked my arm back but he had already slipped it off with his other hand and moved both hands behind his back.

"Give me that watch" I shouted as they stood up and surrounded me in that space at the back of the trolley.

"What you talking 'bout?" the guy smiled raising both empty hands.

"That's my graduation present" I growled, bunching up my fists as we were jostled into each other by the rocking car.

"What's wrong with this white dude?" exclaimed one of the other guys over the rumble of the rails. "He crazy."

"They just stole my watch" I shouted to the the other riders who didn't even look up.

I wobbled to the front of the trolley and told the driver.

"I can't do nothing about it" he apologized, pulling into a stop where the four guys hustled out the back door.

     The other reason I wanted to leave the rally wasn't so complex - Karma Czarcinski.


     "Oh my fucking god" she exclaims as we pass the first huge trunk going into Muir Woods. "Pull over!"

"Hold on, there's a trail up ahead" I laugh, loving her excitement upon seeing the redwood forest.

     She's out the door before I shut off the National Park Service jeep so I scramble to catch up. The dirt path littered with copper-colored sequoia branchlets winds between ridged gray trunks away from the forest service road.

"It's a fairy ring" she whispers, spotting a round clearing off to the side of the trail and pulling me over to it.

"Where an old tree once grew" I explain as she plops down onto the ferns.

"They go forever" she gasps gazing up into the overarching branches.

"I knew you'd like this place."

     "Let's get stoned" she decides, sitting up cross-legged and pulling out a little clay pipe.

She takes a pinch from a little baggie, stuffs it into the bowl, and puffs as she flicks a lighter, holding her breath and passing it over to me. Sensing that seeing her again depends on it, I try to follow her lead but cough as I try to inhale the pungent smoke.

"First time?" she laughs, puffs escaping with each syllable.

"Yea, I hated trying to inhale cigarettes back in eighth grade."

"That's okay sweetie" she coos, grabbing the pipe and lighter and taking another toke. "Let me give you some of mine."

She leans toward me and I again follow, gladly locking lips and opening to her sweet breath into my mouth. We pass the waning smoke back and forth, locking eyes until bursting apart in laughter. Then she grabs my hand as we lie back into the ferns that swirl around us, lifting us up into the treetops as the sky drifts into dusk.