Saturday, October 21, 2017

Chapter 6: Karma Has a Tricky Dream

     "Oh Yemaya" I pray into the blackness of the bay, folding my legs into the lotus position as Dogman crunches up the bluff.

A slow whoosh of waves echoes up from the darkness below.

"May your nurturing waters replenish the hearts of wounded men" I continue, pausing for the answering sigh of the tide.

"So that they might help make this earth a safe space for peace, love, and..."


     I was splashing with junior high friends in the Codrington Park pool when the two lifeguards raised the brims of their red baseball hats to reveal the gaping grins of Ed Sullivan and Richard Nixon.

"Badge check" called Sullivan as Nixon blew his whistle. "Everybody out!"

"Line up here" commanded Nixon as Sullivan blew his, "and pull down your swimsuits!"

I was shivering in line and frantically looking for a place to hide...


     "Crawl in before you freeze" someone whispers jostling my foot and pointing to the canvas tent set up behind me.

"Dogman, thank you for answering Yemaya's call" I whisper, already feeling warmer as I zip up the sleeping bag he had opened for me.

"Goodnight sweetie" he soothes, tossing in a newspaper before pulling the tent closed and tiptoeing away.

The headline glows as the moon breaks through the fog: THE YIPPIES ARE GOING TO CHICAGO.

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