Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Chapter 5: Dogman Gets Run Over By Karma


     "Any interesting bugs drawn to that light, Dave?" asks my park ranger supervisor when he finds me pacing on the porch of our quarters.

"Just one big black bug bleeding black blood" I quip, trying unsuccessfully to hide my agitation.

"A stress-free life is one of the few perks of this job" observes the balding middle-aged man who's made a life of it. "What's eating you?"

"Just a little gas" I lie before thinking better of it. "This woman I like already has a boyfriend."

"Shew-we" he whistles offering me a pinch of chewing tobacco. "All that stuff can't touch you out here in the wild."

"She's camping alone down at cliffside" I mumble while stuffing the black flecks behind my lower lip.

"Uh-oh, better nip that jealousy in the bud, Bud."


     It had ended badly with the last girl I fell for back at San Fran State. The Air Force ROTC ball was coming up, and it was the major spring formal on campus. It included a Friday night pig roast and dance, a Saturday costume party in vintage military uniforms and gowns, a Saturday night live band, and Sunday brunch with a slide show from the previous days' festivities. I'd been eyeing this interesting freshmen basketball player with dark spikes and a perpetual mischievous grin. I caught up with her walking arm-in-arm with another player after their game. She laughed and placed her palm on my chest as she said yes.

     "Is Athena ready?" I asked the petite girl in a State sweatshirt who peeked from the dorm door when I arrived to go to the Friday night festivities.

"She asked me to tell you there was an emergency" she answered, looking both scared and apologetic.

"What? I can't go to the roast without a date."

"I'm so sorry" she replied swinging open the door. "Want to sit down?"

"I've got to find someone else" I replied, turning to leave before calling back "what happened to her?"

"She told me not to tell anyone" she began, stepping back and curling into a corner of her bed. "But you deserve an explanation."

"Thanks" I softened, walking back into the dorm room and sitting on the edge of her bed. "I really like her and was hoping to get to know her better this weekend."

"It's this new group called Third World Liberation Front" she whispered. "They're meeting about that story in today's Gator calling for elimination of black studies."

"Well, I see where I stand in the priorities of Greek goddesses. What are you doing tonight?"

"Let me throw on a dress" she exclaimed with the first smile I'd seen from her and a beautiful one at that.

     She was cute and energetic and fun. We had a good time dancing, but all the while I was looking over her shoulder to no avail.


     "Jealousy, schmealousy" I tell him, brushing off his observation before again rethinking my strategy. "What's a guy to do?"

"Help her to find what she needs" the old ranger replies. "But what's an old bachelor know?"

"There's no way in hell I'm setting myself up for rejection again."


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