Monday, November 20, 2017

Chapter 11: Dogman and Karma Go Home

     "Hi Sierras!"

"Funny Dogman. Can we stop and take in the sunset?"

"My home on the Park Service range is just over those hills. We can make it by sundown."

"It wouldn't be the same anyway without those two."


     "Hey Van, thanks for bailing me out at the protest."

"Yo Dogman, we cool."

"Need a ride back to San Fran?"

"Nah, it's wide open on the South Side. Weed, LSD, mushrooms - I got it, they want it."

"All right rastaman, just be careful, it's a jungle out there."

"Ha, it beats the hell out of the bush we had in Nam. You seen Bleeds?"

"We dropped him off at the bus station. That crazy guy is going back to Bound Brook."

"Nothing for me in Jersey. Watch out for Karma, you hear?"


     "Karma, it's not like you to give up without a fight."

"What's the point Dogman? Nixon will beat Humphrey, but even if he doesn't we'll be stuck in Vietnam for four more years."

"There are other ways. What about that new degree in Ethnic Studies at San Fran State?"

"Dave, I'm a homeless drop out, remember?"

"They have this accelerated program for high school juniors."

"I love you David Dolman."

"Me too Karma Czarcinski. Are you going to stay at the Headlands?"

"Remember that old lady at the baseball game? She invited me to their guest cottage over in San Leandro."

"It was cozy under that blanket, huh?"

"She and her husband lead a spiritual group. They know all about Shemaya and all the others."

"Oh Karma, may their nourishing waters replenish your wounded heart!"

"Oh Dogman, you do listen after all."

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