Monday, November 6, 2017

Chapter 9: Dogman Goes Camping

     "Sing around the campfire" I chant in the last rays of a gorgeous sunset over the Sierra Nevada as the four of us sprawl around an improvised firepit.

"Join the campfire girls" booms the escapee as a smile unfolds on Karma's open face.

“Sing around the campfire” we all join in as our dreadlocked new companion sprinkles weed from a little baggy onto a square of paper and rolls it up..

“Do you wanna be a campfire girl?” he asks to a round of giggles from our little troupe.


     “Stop for that guy” pleaded Karma as we sped past a head-banded hitchhiker in Army pants and a sleeveless paisley vest.

“No way” I blurted, betraying my fear but quickly adding “we’re heading up the slope of the Sierra and don’t need more weight in this old Jeep.”

“Isn’t that Van Johnson?” Blaine asked, his first words since we left the city.

“Turn it around” Karma commands tugging at my sleeve and looking up at me with such fucking loving eyes."It's meant to be."


     "Ladies before gentlemen" the black dude quips, passing the joint and a lighter to me. "Here's to Dogman!"

"Kidnapping from a Navy hospital, stealing federal property worth thousands, using an illegal substance while in uniform" I exclaim. "Karma is trying to put me away for life."

"That uniform was my ticket out" states Blaine as he meets my eye for the first time with a nod.

"At your service" is all I've got, passing him the joint. "It's apparently my calling in life thanks to our little friend."

"Praise be to Yemaya..." states that little friend taking the toke and a taking a hit "... for bringing us together."

"Woa girl" Van laughs, "Here today, gone tomorrow."

     "So how does a kid from South Bound Brook end up on the road in Utah" Blaine finally blurts after a few rounds of Hindu Kush.

"How the hell you know that?" Van asks, his eyes flashing white in the firelight.

"I was a sophomore linebacker when you were a senior wide receiver" Blaine answers.

"Now that's karma" Van declares slapping Blaine on the shoulder as Karma crawls over and snuggles onto my lap. "Picked up by a crazy head-hunting mother fucker called Bleeds."

"I resemble that implication" Blaine grins. "Just back from Nam too?"

"Right on brother" Van counters, settling back into the lotus position and staring into the fire. "Uncle Sam snapped me up at graduation and dropped me into that jungle."

"I hear you, but how did you land here in Mormon country?"

"The yippies are going to Chicago" he explains as Karma's head settles onto my chest and I pull an old Army blanket over her. "Time to end that Asian mess."

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